
Introduction to Bioinformatics for Metagenomic Microbiome Analysis

Published in University of Southern California, Workshop, 2018

Updated workshop that incorporate recent developments in the field. Participants include 34 undergraduate, graduate, and faculty from three NSF Science and Technology Centers (C-DEBI, BEACON, and EBICS). This updated version of the workshop was recorded and is publicly available on YouTube (https://bit.ly/2Tvl2YB).

ECOGEO Introduction to Environmental ‘Omics

Published in University of Hawaii, Workshop, 2016

Working with Drs. Elisha Wood-Charlson and Edward Delong at the University of Hawaii, Monoa, the workshop was expanded and developed to accommodate additional attendees and lecturers for the ECOGEO Research Coordination Network meeting. Approximately 40 researchers of various academic levels, including graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior faculty, attended the workshop. Recorded lectures, documentation, and a full version of the virtual Linux environment is available via the EarthCube ECOGEO webpage

Introduction to Bioinformatics

Published in Stanford University, Workshop, 2015

Designed 2-day workshop to provide introduction to an environmental microbiology metagenomic workflow. Topics: Unix, Sequence quality control, Experimental design, Sequence assembly, Genome binning, Gene annotation, Phylogenetic analysis. Participation of 12 C-DEBI researchers. Additional information, including resources, can be found here